Sunday, August 24, 2008

Closing Ceremonies

WOW...Did you watch NBC tonight? That was quite a show that China put on. Watching the flame going out. These Olympics were fun....we spent alot of family time together watching these games and talking about the sports and players. Can't wait for 2010 in I hear Family reunion in Canada about that time???? tee hee. 2012 in London. Emily thinks that maybe she can become an Olympic Diver.....donations for training can be sent to.......TEE HEE. We will support her in anything that she does. Rachel hasn't stated yet what she wants...but I do know that God gave her talent in the music department. I love singing with her in church on Sundays. I think she will start piano lessons this fall. I think she will pick it up very well and fast. Of course it doesn't help that she wants to be just like her sissy!

Did the wonderful chore of school supply shopping today.....:( That was something. Wal-Mart was packed. The only thing we couldn't get was markers and notebooks. They were completely out. Guess that's what happens when you wait until the last minute.

Take care.....for most of you....enjoy your last week of freedom/summer before the rugrats go back to school.

Friday, August 22, 2008

More Soccer

Rachel and Emily front and back!  Rachel with your best friend Megan front and back.  Megan and Rachel played against each other on family day.

Can't figure out how to rotate the pictures!!!


  Emily as goalie
  Emily - Go Orange Thunder
   Emily and Kelly.....Coach Kel along the side lines
  Ms Emily on the field

  Rachel and her sissy

OMG - 11 days before school starts

Can you believe starts in 11 days?!?!?!?!?  I'm sure you thought I fell off the earth.  I have been very busy getting ready for the students to come back.  Can't believe what it all takes to get a school ready.

This past weekend we went to Yankton SD and stayed at my sister's house.  She has a wonderful home.  We had a retirement party for my dad, Larry, who is retiring at the end of this month!!!  Look out mom.....  :)

Finally adding pictures of the girls.  The above where taken about a month ago...the girls had gotten some colored hair spray that they HAD to have in there hair!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008


I have lots of pictures to get posted from this weekends family day at soccer!  We started off the day with Rachel getting her picture taken and then game following.  Her team won 3 to 1!! She played against one of her good friends.  Then it was time for Emily to get her picture taken and game.  Her team also won 3 - 1!!!!!  It was a great game.  Will try to get picture posted this week.

Happy Birthday Kristy!!!!!

I know I've forgotten others this month!  Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary to those that I have missed so far this month.  I try!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Last day of swimming lessons!

Today was the last day of swimming lessons for both the girls.  Both girls passed!!!  yah.  Emily is now in Level 6 and Rachel will be going on to Level 2A.  Both are very pleased with them selves.  Will try to get more pictures up this week.  Tonight is Emily's soccer game.  Last night was Rachel's and they won.  Rachel did awesome out there.  Still no goal but she helped Joe score a goal.  This Saturday is family day for soccer.  Both girls will have their pictures taken and have a game.  Wish them luck.

Happy Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa Davis - 59 years and counting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Swimming lessons!!

This is the last week of swimming lessons for the girls.  Both enjoy is very much!!!

Rachel with her teacher and classmate.

Rachel - little miss show off!

Emily doing the side stroke

I have a video of Emily diving but not sure how it upload it yet!! Will work on that.  Emily is in level 5 and Rachel is in Preschool advance.  I hope they both pass.

Last night was Rachel's soccer game - she did very well.  Their score was 3 - 3!  Tonight is Emily's soccer game - GO ORANGE THUNDER.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hello all!!  Thought I would create this blog to stay in touch with all my friends and family.  Check often to read posts and see pictures!