Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All most November!

Oh my goodness where has the time gone??  I just don't know.  November is almost here and since I'm always behind in my cards here's a shout out to our November birthday's:

Aunt Vickie - Nov. 7
Kelly - Nov 18th
Cousin Terry - Nov 19th

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is my girl friend Mara's birthday.  Hope she is having a great day.

My niece Ashley turns 18 on the 30th......wow she was just a baby yesterday.  Ash hope you had a great weekend.  I know most of the family was there for you confirmation and party.  Sorry we couldn't make it.  Remember you are always in our hearts and not far from our mind.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Birthday and Hallooween parties oh my!!!

Emily decided to have your kid party this past Saturday. I started out the day working at the liquor store until 2 and then came home to get ready for her party. I told her she could only invite 4 other girls which was very hard for her to decide. But she finally did decide. I also let Rachel invite over one friend so that way she wasn't in the older girls way. Our school (SJV) was having it's 8th annual Halloween dance that night so we took the girls over to that. It was so much fun helping the girls get all ready. Kelly had plans that night so he wasn't able to be around. So my girlfriend helped me through out the night. We got them ready and went to the dance. It was a lot of fun. I think all the kids had a great time. We left the dance around 9 and came home, had the girls all take showers to get all the makeup and color out of their hair and then played Wii on our huge TV.

Tonight it was pumpkin carving time! Will have to post pictures soon. Each girl drew a face that they wanted daddy to carve! it was very cute.

This week is a very busy week for me so may not get many posts up. I will be teaching faith formation for the 1st time to 6th graders....pray for me!!!! Then after that it's girl scouts. Wednesday and Thursday it's working at the liquor store and then Friday is Halloween!!!!

Have a great week everyone. Will try to post pictures as soon as I can.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello everyone!!

I know you all thought we just dropped off the face of the earth.....well we haven't!!!!!
School started - need to get pictures up loaded. Emily had her birthday!!! She's not into double digits. (help me!) Rachel did another 10 inches to locks of love and she's only 5!!!!

Combing out the hair to measure.

The ponytail.

The Cut

The Girl!

The back of the girl.

I promise to get more photos up and blog more later.

Have a great weekend.