Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Start of the new year!

Ok....so I don't post as often as I would like but hopefully that will change very soon.  To finish up with my last post.  

Change -

My own Grandparents moved into an assisted living home right after Thanksgiving.  So it was very hard to see that happen for them to move out of the one house that has A LOT of memories in.  For Christmas this year my grandparents gave away things from the house which make it really that the house was no longer theirs.  Plus to top it all off - the house went on the market about two weeks ago and it sold within 36 hrs!  Can you believe that??  I can't.  So it for a FOR SURE thing that I will never step foot into their house that I practically grew up in.  For most of you don't know that my grandparents helped raise me - they are like my 2nd parents.  But on the other hand after seeing them in the assisted living and how much they have changed it has brought joy to me.  They are both much healthier and strong than I have ever see in many years.  This also brings less stress to my mom and her sister that had been taking care of them when they lived in their home.

Christmas was well - we all had a great time and of course the girls got spoiled.  It was hard to go back to work after having two weeks off!!!  But we all feel into the grove.

This week is Catholic Schools Week and our school had two open houses - which I think went very well!

On one very happy note as of this Saturday (1-31-09) I will not be working two jobs anymore!!  I have officially quit my 2nd job at the liquor store!!!!  Yahhhhhh.  After three years - I felt it was enough.  Kelly and I talked it over and we think it will work.  Of course if it doesn't - I'm sure they will take me back in a heartbeat!!!  (Right Tara???)

Also both girls are selling Girl Scout cookies!!!!  It is that time of the year.  If anyone that reads this is interested please let me know.  Rachel is selling for the 1st time this year and is very excited.  Emily's troop is just as excited but they are going to the cash this year...we have 8 cookie booths lined up!  Lord help us - pray for nice weather.

My plate just keeps getting fuller and fuller.  Emily is really becoming involved at our church.  She had a girls night in last Saturday and just loved it!!!!  She thinks she wants to try yoga now!  So we'll see about that.  This Friday we have a family night of fun at St. Rita's and both girls are looking forward to that.  Also Emily has joined the swim team!  She swims every Sunday for an hour and a half.  It's a lot of work but she seems to enjoy that.  Now while she is swimming I go work out at the gym.  I have joined the gym over in South St Paul since I work over there full time I get the citizen rate and for a family is like $33 a month which to me is a very good deal.  SO I have been trying to work out on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Plus the girls and I have gone and enjoyed open swim!

Emily's 1 st swim meet will be on Valentine's day!!! I will try to post the info here soon for anyone that would like to come and watch her.

Well I better get to bed.....it's a full day tomorrow.  Both jobs.