Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Girl Scout Cookies Oh My!!!

It was that time of year again.....both girls sold cookies.  This was Rachel's 1st year of selling and I didn't push to hard with her.  The cookie mom only set their goal at 12 boxes, Rachel ended up selling 20, which I thought was very good.  I have 8 girls in our troop and they ended up selling just over 500 boxes!!!!!  WOW. :) This is Emily's 5th year selling and she sold 203 boxes!!!  Of course most of this credit goes to mom and a little to dad!  But they both did go out and sold some door to door in the neighborhood!

Kelly got the news yesterday about his lay off!  At least his company was thinking and instead of just laying people off for a week without pay and causing problems with the bank account - they are closing down for 5 fridays over the period of 6 weeks so that is only 1 day of no pay in a pay period.  So that will help with the finances!

The 100th day of school is coming up!  Rachel has to work on a project for that.  They will be celebrating it next week.  It's actually on the 14th but we won't be in school on Saturday. :)

Have a good week.


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