Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Kelly

Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course you are still older than me!!!!  


Monday, November 17, 2008

Emily's Birthday Present

For Emily's birthday this year she asked for new bedding for her bed.  Since we split up the girls and gave them their own room this summer, Emily's bedding stayed with her sister Rachel.  So here are new pictures of her new bedding!!!  She has expensive taste, just like her mom, so needless to say this is also her Christmas present from her mom and dad as well as her birthday present.

She got new sheets, comforter, bed skirt and two pillows for her bed.  The she got a sheer which is in the color of part of her comforter, with beads over that and then new curtains.  The picture is hard to see it clearly since it was a sunny day.  Thank you to all that gave her the gift of money and the gift card to JCPenny's!!!  She truly loves her new stuff.

Halloween Pictures!!!!!!!

Our pumpkins!!


Our glamours rock stars!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another trip to the doctor

Had to go to the doctor again yesterday....my leg is infected.  Got antibiotics and cream to put on my leg.  It's the type of cream they give burn patients.  So I hope that works.

We got a nice loaner from the dealer.  It's a 2008 Dodge Caravan - dark blue.  It's nice and will do it's job.  Haven't heard much from the insurance company so I hope all is well. I faxed off the accident report.  I really hope they see that it wasn't my fault.

Still have to get pictures of Halloween up.

Friday, November 7, 2008

It's snowing!!!!

It is trying to snow here.....yuck!  Of course the girls love it and think it's cool but not mom!  It had been raining for the past couple of days and now it got cold enough for snow.  It's little and may not stay.  I just hope the weather holds out for us to drive to South Dakota tonight.  

I'm hoping to get pictures up of Halloween and Emily's bed room today.  For Emily's birthday she asked for gift cards to redo her room and this past weekend her and I went out and bought her new bedding and curtains for her room.  Since she has her own room now her old bedding stay with Rachel.  She picked out a very nice set and she absolutely loves it!  Can't wait to show it off!!!

I'm feeling better and still a little sore from yesterdays accident.  I will be heading to the doctor soon to be checked out but I don't think anything is seriously wrong.  My neck is a little funny but I can move it well.

Happy Birthday Aunt Vickie!!!!

I really hope I get to see all my family this weekend.  It's hard being so far way from our parents.  We love and miss them so much and wish we could be there to help.

Hugs and kisses to all!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's just not my week

Oh what a week.  Started out bad and just never stopped.  First on Sunday I was taking a bath and decided to shave off about a three inch stripe of skin on my ankle!  Nice - I know I will have a wonderful scar from that.  Emily decided to get sick on Monday, which wasn't all that bad, just missed a day of work.  Today - the world thought I would get into a car accident.  I'M FINE - just shook up and a little bruised.

Here is one of the pictures of my van.  So I spend the morning on the phone with the insurance company, adjustor, body shop and clinic.  I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful boss that is so understanding and actually came to me and helped me get back to school.

The body shop called me late this afternoon and told me the Adjustor estimated $5300 in damage.  And he will be replacing my hood under warrenty because it is starting to rust!

Here is wonderful picture of my leg!  It's actually worse because it's all scabbing up and getting red.

But on a happy note - we are leaving for South Dakota tomorrow!  My in-laws are having there annual Hoe Down - it's a big huge square dancing weekend.  We are staying at the hotel and will get to swim all day on Saturday!!!!  I will be pictures posted next week.